Posted August 13, 2013 at 12:29 am
Because I'll be at Gencon, the next two updates will be Altsplanations. Any time the progression of the comic is slowed, it bothers me. However, I haven't been to a convention in two years (not including VCON, which is figuratively in my back yard) and it's time I go. As I mentioned in my previous blog entry, I won't have a booth but I will be playing Goblins: Alternate Realities quite a bit. Recently, I discovered that there are limited seats to four official G:AR games. I thought it was just going to be Danielle, myself and Evertide Games sitting around playing the game in some dank corner somewhere, but apparently it's all scheduled and stuff. Anyways, click here to grab a seat at one of the games. You'll have to sign up/login to a Gencon account, first. If the games fill up, we'll most likely be playing the game in some open gaming area, so come and find us anyways. EDIT: Those who come and play with us get a free promo card from Evertide Games. As always, thanks for reading. ~Thunt
Posted August 7, 2013 at 12:35 pm
"The layout looks off centred to me." Do you have an ad blocker on for my site? If so, that's almost definitely the problem. If you turn off the ad blocker, that should fix the issue. Also, 100% of my income is currently coming from ad revenue so...

Yoda-hulk"Guilt leads to ad blocker turned off. Ad blocker turned off leads to paycheques. Paycheques leads to eating."

Don't feel bad though. A lot of folks have it turned off for the old .com site, but didn't think to turn it off for the .org site. "Do you get money if I click on the ads?" Only click on an ad if it genuinely interests you. Please don't spam click anything as that doesn't help anyone. I get teeny-weeny micro payments when you just see an ad and that adds up. So just by reading my comic, you're helping me out. "Why are you STILL stuck on the .org site? It doesn't take almost three months to transfer control of a domain to someone." I get a lot of emails about this. All I can say, is we've been having technical difficulties. "But what kind of technical difficulties could..."

topmen"Technical. Difficulties."

"Um... okay. Are you going to be at Gencon this year?"

Yes, Danielle and I will be at Gencon, though we won't have a booth this year. Instead, we'll mostly be in the gaming area playing Goblins: Alternate Realities with anyone who wants to join us. We'll be playing other stuff too and making asses of ourselves (as is the custom at such events), but mostly we'll be playing G:AR. Look for two 8 foot tall, Goblins banners in the gaming area and a bald guy repeatedly saying "why can't I ever win this, it's MY game!".

We'll also be at...

VCON on October 4-6, 2013

New York Comic Con on October 10-13, 2013

Chi-Fi on March 27-30, 2014 as artist guest of honour

As always, thanks for reading.


Posted July 24, 2013 at 7:38 pm
Right now, my site is posted at . It used to be posted at, but as most of you have figured out and commented on, there are technical difficulties getting my domain back from the individuals who currently have it. At the time of writing this, if you try to go to the .com site, it simply redirects you to the .org site. Due to technical difficulties THAT ARE NOBODY'S FAULT, the transfer of the domain is having its share of hiccups. So just to be on the safe side, I'm asking all of my readers to bookmark while you can. If all of the issues are worked out, I'll let you know and have the .org site redirect all traffic back to the .com site. However, if things don't work out, the .com site will just stop working and you'll be all "where are my goblins?". Let me state again, that there is no one to blame right now. Everything is cool. Just tech difficulties. Kay? So bookmark and change your RSS feed as well. If things fall apart, I'd hate to see you go without your Goblins (and me without my ad revenue /nervous laugh). As always, thanks for reading my comic at ~Thunt
Posted July 19, 2013 at 12:58 pm
So Blind Ferret has a Kickstarter going for a very cool looking video game based off of LFG. I just took a look at it and it's got 8.5 hours left and still hasn't made its goal. So let's get in there and help them out! Go take a look at the game and if you're interested, pledge away! As always, thanks for reading. ~Thunt
Posted July 11, 2013 at 2:58 pm
So this five day schedule seems to be working out well. Y'see, the problem with twice a week, was that I couldn't keep up with that schedule and my updates were always late (as you know). The problem with once a week, is that it just feels too slow for the story. Five days seems to be the current sweet spot. But that means that the updates are always on a different day of the week. How can readers keep track of when the comic will update? Well, the countdown clock shown at the top of the page is an experiment that I've nervously introduced and it seems to be working well. What do you think? As readers, is the clock doing its job? Even though the updates aren't posted on regular days of the week, are you still able to easily know when they're coming or would you prefer that I follow a weekly schedule? Let me know on Twitter or email. I have to say that for the first time in many years, I feel like I'm in a position where I can get on top of things! Also, I should note that the clock will tell you when I'm drawing live. If you ever see a "I'm live right now" type of notice under the clock, feel free to click on it and come and say hi. In other news, Goblins has been nominated again for this year's Dragon Slayer Award! If you'd like to support the comic, please pop over and vote for Goblins in the 'Notable Gaming Comic' category. If you do... thanks! If you DON'T vote for me... well, still thanks because you read my stuff and that means a lot to me. As always, thanks for reading. ~Thunt
Posted June 30, 2013 at 10:15 pm
There's 19 hours left in the Kickstarter! If we hit $200k (currently we're at $166k), I'll post every bonus comic that appears in the paper versions of the books. That includes... Not Walter Screams Like a Little Girl The Origin Of Forgath's Helmet Goblins: The Youngling Years The Prisoner of Moon K'Tolo I'll also post 'The Merchandisables'. A single page comic about a group of heroes who happen to be the most merchandisable characters in history. These mini comics are each between 3 - 9 pages long and up until now, have only been available to those who've purchased the paper books. If we hit $200k, I'll post them here on the site for everyone to read. These bonus comics will NOT replace the normal Goblins updates. Note: That $200k goal includes the 'alternate pledge method' amount. So spread the word! And come and say hello in my 24 hour live, drawing marathon! As always, thanks for reading! ~Thunt
Posted June 28, 2013 at 6:57 pm
EDIT: My AMA is now live. Hi Reddit. How are you? Danielle Stephens (my wife) is currently trying to set up an AMA for Saturday. I know that I have to prove to you that I am who I claim to be (or rather, who Danielle claims I am) and so I've drawn you a little picture. Redditguy Our plan is to start the AMA (Ask Me Anything) 7 pm Eastern, June 29th. I'll post the link here as well as on my Twitter when the time comes. ~Thunt
Posted June 26, 2013 at 12:12 pm
As of writing this, there are five days left in our wildly successful Kickstarter. It's almost over, and guess what... there are MORE incentives added! Free PDFs ($11 level) GARKSRewardPDFs Herbert as a Playable Character ($55 level) GARBonusCardsHerbert New Adventure Map Set ($99 level) garrenderadventuremapset600 And of course, all the other bonus stuff is still there too. To read more about the stuff in the pictures above, click here. And you can still pledge through Paypal here. But it's almost gone, so this is your absolute, last opportunity. A lot of this extra stuff disappears forever once the Kickstarter closes. As a thank you, I will be drawing live for the last 24 hours of the Kickstarter. It'll be right here. So pop in and say hello in the chat room or just listen to me whine about how numb my butt is. Cause you know... I'll be drawing for 24 hours, straight. I should be tired and grumpy at the end. Well... grumpiER. The live marathon starts on Sunday, June 30, 4 pm (GMT -7). So THANK YOU everyone! I'm so excited about the success and quality of this game! Please don't miss out on any of this bonus stuff that interests you. That'd make me sad. As always, thanks for... EVERYTHING! ~Thunt
Posted June 21, 2013 at 12:43 pm
Well, we're down to the last ten days of the Kickstarter for Goblins: Alternate Realities. It's been going very well, and again I wanted to say a huge thank you. Oh, and I finally finished this video that's been taking up so much of my time. Also, for those of you who've been wanting an alternate payment method (ie. Paypal), we've now got you covered! Once the Kickstarter is complete, I'll be upping the frequency of my updates and posting that countdown clock that I've been talking about. Y'know, the one that'll repeatedly count down to the next update. Kickstarters are definitely full time work! It'll be great to be able to focus purely on the comic again! Follow me on Twitter for more info tucked in between my inane chatter. And as always, thanks for reading. ~Thunt
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